3CD2 Homework – due Thursday 21st

Make sure you get to the end of paragraph two in your essay for Thursday. Any of the resources you need which you may have lost can be accessed by clicking on other posts in the ‘3CD2 Uneasy Homecoming’ category.

Paragraph One

In this paragraph you should write about the NARRATIVE POINT OF VIEW of the story.  This means that you have to write about the point of view from which the story is told and the effect which this has.  Use your answers to the questions you did before to help you.

 You should start your paragraph by writing a topic sentence. You should then go on to:

1) mention that the story is narrated by an omniscient 3rd person narrator (all seeing and all knowing – ‘he / she’ with access to characters’ thoughts and feelings, plus other information) – quote and comment on effect.

2) write about the opening of the story (what do we know about Connie’s feelings from the start of the story?  Why does she feel this way and is there any definite evdence for her feelings?)  How does she try to make herself feel better?  How does the opening of the story make us feel, and how does it make us feel towards Connie?

3) explain what kind of things the narrator tells the reader which Connie is not aware of – quote two examples.  What is the effect on the reader of finding out what has happened before Connie does?  What does the reader realise which Connie does not?


Paragraph Two

This paragraph is going to be about the use of CHARACTER. Write a topic sentence.

1)   Introduce your point – the author has deliberately chosen to make the main character a woman in order to build suspense and tension.

2)   What difference does having a woman as the central character make – what is suggested about the vulnerability of women as opposed to men, and what does this add to the story?

3)     What does Connie say about her attitude to women’s typical fears on the third page of the story?  Why does she talk about ‘Things’ and ‘Them’? 

4)     How does Connie try to reassure herself – quote?  Are Connie’s fears, and her attempts to reassure herself, realistic?  How does this help us to relate to her character?

3CD2 Writing your critical essay on Uneasy Homecoming

Below you can find the ppt on suspense in the story which you looked at in class, the essay planning sheet (in case you’ve lost it) and a ppt to help you master topic sentences and the point – evidence – comment structure.

Answers to questions on the story:
Uneasy Homecoming’ questions

uneasy homecoming suspense

Uneasy Homecoming essay plan

Using point evidence comment

5b3 Persuasive Essays – 20th November

Be ready to write the first draft of your essays in class on Wed 20th November.

You need to make sure you are ready for this. You can have a plan / 2 sides of A4 notes with you. This is a NAB and a folio piece, so you need to work hard and take it seriously!

Look at the ppt below for a reminder of how to plan your essay:
persuasive planning

5B3 Persuasive Essays exemplars 12/11/13

You should be continuing to research and take notes for your essays. You will have Monday and Tuesday in class next week to plan / prepare your essay and you will write your first draft during the two periods on Wednesday. Remember you have to include lots of persuasive techniques like the ones in the examplar essays which we have looked at.

Here are the exemplar essays we looked at in class, and the ppt we used to go over the ‘Save Lives Now!’ essay. You can use the ppt to add more detailed notes to your annotations.



Persuasive Essay Exemplar

persuasive eg to annotate

Higher Persuasive Essay Exemplars


Titles and intros persuasive writing

5B3 Persuasive Essays Homework – for 11th Nov

You should be adding to your notes for your persuasive essays. Write your notes in your booklets so you don’t lose them.

Next week we are going to look at some examples of persuasive essays and discuss how the authors have used persuasive techniques in them. We will also look at how to plan your essays.

You should be ready to write your first draft for the week beginning Mon 18th Nov.

5B3 Close Reading Revision

Here are the answers to the In Your Own Words and Word Choice Questions from the 2013 Close Reading paper. It was disappointing that so few of you seemed to have done this work – you had 2 periods to work on it in class and then it was set as homework to finish. You are only going to get better at Close Reading by practising. There were 37 (out of 50) marks available for these questions in this paper. Master these question types and you’ll pass!

I’ll add the whole paper and mark schemes as well as the questions I picked out.

The ppt takes you through the process for each question, or the answers are in a word doc if you prefer. Please take the time to go over it again and see where you went / would go wrong and where you’re managing to pick up marks.




2013 H


2013 IYOW WC

Watch this for some useful advice on how to live your life!


George Saunders, professor of English and author of The New York Times best-seller Tenth of December, delivered this speech at The College of Arts and Sciences’ undergraduate convocation ceremony on Saturday, May 11, 2013.

Not only is it entertaining and thought provoking, but it has lots of good examples of persuasive / rhetorical techniques. Click on the link below for the text of the speech.
