5B3 Persuasive essays

You need to get your FINAL drafts in as soon as possible – the deadline is early / mid March (exact date tbc).

Remember to use 1.5 or double spacing if typing and to list sources used and add a word count at the end.

I haven’t seen a 2nd draft of persuasive essays from Lianna, Jenny, Ebony (I know there’s been IT problems), Liam L, Chrisanne, Laura, Tom or Jordan. If you don’t hand these in on Monday 10th there will not be any time for me to mark them and give you feedback and they’ll have to be sent off without this extra level of support.

If you need help with your essay come after school next Tuesday (11th).

5B3 Coursework deadline – 16th December

Hand in the 2ND DRAFT of your persuasive essay.
Pay close attention to the comments on your first draft.
Also hand in notes (booklets), plan and first draft.
Remember to include sources at the end.
If typing it up, make sure it is 1.5 or double spaced.
Word limits:
Int 2: 500-1000
Higher: 650-1300
You should be aiming for the upper end of these limits.

Remember that this piece of work is part of your coursework folio and will be sent off to the SQA. Make it good!

5b3 Persuasive Essays – 20th November

Be ready to write the first draft of your essays in class on Wed 20th November.

You need to make sure you are ready for this. You can have a plan / 2 sides of A4 notes with you. This is a NAB and a folio piece, so you need to work hard and take it seriously!

Look at the ppt below for a reminder of how to plan your essay:
persuasive planning

5B3 Persuasive Essays exemplars 12/11/13

You should be continuing to research and take notes for your essays. You will have Monday and Tuesday in class next week to plan / prepare your essay and you will write your first draft during the two periods on Wednesday. Remember you have to include lots of persuasive techniques like the ones in the examplar essays which we have looked at.

Here are the exemplar essays we looked at in class, and the ppt we used to go over the ‘Save Lives Now!’ essay. You can use the ppt to add more detailed notes to your annotations.



Persuasive Essay Exemplar

persuasive eg to annotate

Higher Persuasive Essay Exemplars


Titles and intros persuasive writing

5B3 Persuasive Essays Homework – for 11th Nov

You should be adding to your notes for your persuasive essays. Write your notes in your booklets so you don’t lose them.

Next week we are going to look at some examples of persuasive essays and discuss how the authors have used persuasive techniques in them. We will also look at how to plan your essays.

You should be ready to write your first draft for the week beginning Mon 18th Nov.

Watch this for some useful advice on how to live your life!


George Saunders, professor of English and author of The New York Times best-seller Tenth of December, delivered this speech at The College of Arts and Sciences’ undergraduate convocation ceremony on Saturday, May 11, 2013.

Not only is it entertaining and thought provoking, but it has lots of good examples of persuasive / rhetorical techniques. Click on the link below for the text of the speech.


5B3 HOMEWORK – given out 30th Oct, due Tuesday 5th Nov

  • Decide on a topic for your persuasive essay
  • Find (and print if you want to) at least one article on your topic
  • Use this article to fill in 1 source record sheet (p9) and 1 key points sheet (p10) in your booklet.

You will be doing more note-taking in class on Tuesday. You can use your smartphone to access the internet or print up some articles to use in advance.

Possible sources for articles / info:


Any of the links in the post below about broadsheet journalism and non-fiction reading


Remember to choose a topic that you feel passionate about.

Possible Topics:

1. Does social networking make relationships (friendships or family relationships) better or worse?
2. Should more men be stay at home dads?
3. Where should we draw the line at genetic engineering of animals, plants or people?
4. Should more be done about child obesity?
5. Should restaurants, especially fast food restaurants, be required to do things like display calorie counts, provide healthy options, and limit portion sizes?
6. Should advertising aimed at children be limited? Who should limit it? Government? Self regulation?
7. Should the government be involved in limiting / controlling internet pornography?
8. Should we be concerned about overpopulation? What should be done?
9. Should everyone be required to ‘give back’ to their community through compulsory, rather than voluntary, community service?
10. Should sex education be taught in schools or at home?
11. Does text speak damage a child’s ability to learn?
12. Is marriage beneficial to society?
13. Should governments penalise obesity?
14. Does violence in computer games lead to violence in real life?
15. Is gambling more detrimental to society than alcohol or drugs?
16. Should teens be able to buy violent video games?
17. Should boys and girls be taught in separate classes?
18. Should people who download music and movies illegally be punished?
19. Should people be allowed to keep pit-bull or other ‘dangerous’ dogs?
20. Should Edinburgh offer a bike sharing programme like the ‘Boris Bikes’ in London?
21. Should same sex marriage be legalised?
22. Should violence on television be more strictly controlled?
23. Should organ donation be on an opt-out rather than an opt-in basis?
24. Should it be compulsory for everyone over 16 to donate blood twice a year?
25. Should a ‘life’ prison sentence mean life?
26. Should students have to pass a basic skills test before they are able to leave high school?
27. Should the government place a tax on junk food and fatty snacks in order to try to control levels of obesity?
28. Should students as young as fourteen be allowed to have part-time jobs while they are still at school?
29. Should people who fail to recycle be fined?
30. Should people have to take a course and get a license before they can become parents?
31. Should students who commit cyber-bullying be suspended from school?
32. Is it appropriate for students and teachers to be friends on Facebook?
33. Should alcohol manufacturers be allowed to advertise on television?
34. Should UK families have a two child max rule to limit population growth?
35. Should school students who fail end of year exams be kept back and have to repeat the year?
36. Should children who commit violent crimes be tried as adults?
37. Should the government censor internet content which is deemed inappropriate?
38. Should teachers have to wear uniforms or have a dress code?
39. Should the government be allowed to put down dogs and prosecute owners when dog attacks take place on private property?
40. Should boxing be banned?
41. Should the driving age be raised to 18 / 21?
42. Should parents of teen vandals be held responsible for their child’s damage?
43. Should research on cloning be discontinued?
44. Should convicted sex offenders’ names be made public?
45. Should females in the military be excluded from combat and other “hazardous” duties?
46. Should parents of students who are excessively absent from school be prosecuted under the law?
47. Should “home schooling” be permitted?
48. Should families of victims be allowed to decide the punishment of those who commit crimes?
49. Has the war on terror contributed to the growing abuse of human rights?
50. Should all citizens be required by law to vote?
51. Both parents should assume equal responsibility in raising a child.
52. Have people become overly dependent on technology?
53. Should new drivers only be allowed to drive at certain times of the day i.e. during daylight hours?
54. Are celebrities entitled to privacy, or is a lack of privacy the price they should be prepared to pay for fame and wealth?
55. Should photoshopping images in magazines and adverts be banned on the grounds that it creates misleading body images for people to live up to?
56. Should absent parents who refuse to pay child support be sent to prison?
57. Should a year’s National Service in the military be introduced for all school leavers?
58. Given the country’s current financial situation, should the government freeze all bonuses for bankers / bosses of utility companies?
59. Should the richest 5% be made to pay more tax in order to reduce the gap between rich and poor?